Executive Coach

When is the right time for a coach?

When was the last time you saw a football team without a coach?  Or a kid's soccer team?  Or really any kind of athlete (professional or not)?  Pretty much never, because all the time is the right time for a coach.

Coaches/teachers/mentors are invaluable (and often undervalued) influences in our lives that can help us become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes that means picking us up when we fall down, and sometimes that means knocking us back down a few rungs on the ladder.  The point is, they are there to support us with what we need, not necessarily what we want.

Sports demonstrate some very visible examples of coaches, due to the highly competitive and highly public environment, but business is also highly competitive; so is life.  We all have these influences, from our friends, to colleagues and co-workers.  They help us out along the way.

Not everyone requires a professional coach, but once you find yourself in a more specialized environment (like leading a new team, or an organization, for example) it can be hard to find those supports around you.  That is the time when you need a professional coach, though you can, of course, enlist a professional coach at any time.  Professional coaches are not just there by chance, you can interview several and pick the one with the skills you need and a personality that can drive you to become your best self.

Just think, professional athletes use professional coaches in their hyper-competitive environments, maybe it's time you did too.

-Alexander Cook MEng, MBA, PEng, PMP

p.s. On that note, if you are looking for a professional coach, we can help!

What to Look for in a Coach

Coaching is very loosely defined in business.  What this means is that really anyone can call themselves a Coach, or maybe they'll spice it up with "Executive Coach," but that anyone could be some rando off the street, or the most experienced "Executive Coach" of them all.

How do you tell which one is the right one for you?

I've read a slough of articles on the Internet, looking for some kind of consensus on what makes a spectacular business coach, but the truth is, there doesn't seem to be consensus, because it comes down to individuals.  Individual coaches.  Individual coachees.  If we take the slough of articles, plus my own experience with teaching and being taught (I teach martial arts 1-2 times a week) I can whittle it down to these three points.

Experience/Expertise - Don't have a sculptor teach you how to be a CEO, and conversely, don't let a CEO teach you how to be a sculptor.  Recognized coaching credentials or not, make sure that their experiences are relevant to your needs, and if possible get references!  Different combinations of experience yield different results, so what you need might be very specific... just make sure that you feel that "click" when comparing their abilities and your specific challenges.

Compassion/Connection - A great coach will back you, not just during your successes, but also during your failures.  You need someone who can work with you through the tough times, and who can motivate you, instead of just listing the ways you're a failure.  That kind of support can get you back on the horse, and with close ties to your coach they can act as a confidante, and help you sort out all facets of your life, not just work.

Accountability/Responsibility - It's nice to have someone around to pat you on the back with a bunch of "attaboys," and who says "You'll get it next time!" when you didn't get it this time.  That can be nice, but you want a coach who can push your limits, and who can help you to be the best you can be.  Sure, you want them to say "You'll get it next time," but then you want them to say, "but you're responsible for your success, so let's work together so that next time you're ready.".

What other key attributes do you think are critical when selecting a coach, be it a life coach, or business coach?  Morality?  Ethics?  Light vs Dark side?

-Alexander C. Cook MEng, MBA, PEng, PMP


Image source: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/yoda-and-darth-vader-vs-bruce-almighty.345218/