We provide a comprehensive set of services, and excel at creating specialized programs for our customers to address the challenges they face.  At Leading in the Fast Lane we know that no two problems are alike, so we don’t try to fit your challenges into a box, we build a box around your challenges!

What sets us apart...

  • Our goal is to make your life better.  Leading in the Fast Lane never forgets that our customers are people, and that they have lives; in the office, and out.  When we develop a plan to help a customer, we look not only at helping the organization, but the people within as well.

  • Leading in the Fast Lane handles all the boring business stuff for its consultants, meaning that when an LFL consultant goes to work with a customer, their sole focus is on their area of expertise, and how they can apply their expertise to make your life better.

  • LFL’s roots are in leadership and the military, providing a unique perspective on leadership in business.  LFL’s Leadership Check Ride can help assess your leadership abilities, providing insight into how you lead inside the office, and out.
  • LFL Check Rides

    In an LFL Check Ride, our consultants will create scenarios to help prepare participants for their real-life leadership challenges. Sometimes an academic solution isn't enough, and even if you know what needs to be done, it is very different than actually doing it. Unlike many other leadership assessments, the Check Ride operates more like an interview, or discussion, than a quiz or questionnaire. Our consultants take the participant through the scenarios, walk them through their feedback, and provide them with a final Progress Card. Though incredibly important, the Progress Card is more of an afterthought; leadership is about people, and inter-personal relationships, so when you're in a Check Ride, our focus is on you. With your determination, and our support, you can conquer all leadership challenges.

    When you could benefit from a Leading in the Fast Lane Check Ride:

    • Target Participants: Individual, Group, Team.
    • Content: Leadership assessment based on simulations of current, or expected, challenges (ex. team conflict or moving to a new position).
    • Value Created: The LFL Check Ride will provide immediate results to participants, followed up with a Progress Card. These results foster the individual's, or group's, leadership and teamwork abilities, and work to strengthen any weaknesses.

      LFL Check Ride Progress Cards can be used to baseline performance for future comparison. They can also be compared between participants, for general comparison, or to identify any systemic strengths, or weaknesses.

    • Environment: Safe, experiential, controlled.

    Developed based on military experience...

    Aviation Check Rides are included in flight training, to determine whether or not pilots are ready to safely fly on their own. It provides a safe space to test their skills, before they are thrown into a potentially dangerous environment. Our Lead Consultant, a retired Air Force Colonel, leveraged his extensive leading and training experience, to harness this approach and modify it for business. The LFL Check Ride gives leaders the same opportunity as those pilots; a safe place to test and hone their skills before it really counts.

    Colonel (ret'd) Ron Guidinger, LFL's Lead Consultant, getting into an F18. Lead Consultant Ron, strapping in!
  • Coaching & Executive Coaching

    Our coaches work with individuals to identify their specific needs, and find lasting solutions. Whether they need leadership support, or general career support, we will help. LFL excels at Executive Coaching, and also provides coaching to any level. Coaching is normally done on a 1-on-1 basis, but it can also be performed in small groups. Our coaches are eager to work with you to find the best solution to address your leadership needs.

    When you could benefit from a Leading in the Fast Lane Coaching:

    • Target Participants: Individuals, Small Groups.
    • Content: Provides the ability to work through specific leadersihp problems as an individual, or small group. Also, enables career planning, taking into account challenges both in the office, and out.
    • Value Created: Coaching has been proven to create positive value for organizations, but beyond that, it offers something that often cannot be found within an organization, a confidante, to listen, and to help you address specific challenges.
    • Environment: Safe, Confidential, Judgement Free
  • Workshops

    When your organization wants to be introduced to a concept, or provide professional development to a group, LFL will come to you, and provide a group workshop at a location of your choice. LFL can provide sessions from our existing docket of leadership workshops, or create a workshop addressing your specific challenges. At Leading in the Fast Lane we pride ourselves on providing the solutions that our clients really need; solutions providing lasting results. Our workshops are tailored to you, and we are happy to provide support for as few or as many attendees as you need. We are here to support you, and our workshops provide the specific leadership information and techniques needed to address your specific challenges.

    When you could benefit from a Leading in the Fast Lane Workshop:

    • Target Participants: Groups of all sizes.
    • Content: Workshops vary from facilitated meetings (ex. strategic planning sessions), to working through leadership challenges in larger groups (ex. vision, goal-setting, industry specific challenges,etc.), to academic seminars introducing groups to leadership/managment/project management best practices.
    • Value Created: We support your processes or activities, providing our expertise, and build your leadership capacity for long-term results.
    • Environment: Safe, academic, comprehensive.
  • Keynote Speaking

    If you are looking for speakers for an upcoming event, or a keynote speaker, we are happy to help. Our vision is to awaken people's innate leadership ability to help improve their lives, and the more people we can expose to leadership insights, the better. Our speakers create their programs based on your needs. You let us know the when, where, how long, and the topic (from very specific to very broad), and we'll do the rest. We are here to support you.

    When you could benefit from a Leading in the Fast Lane Keynotes Speaker:

    • Target Participants: Small groups to — unlimited.
    • Content: Keynotes enable you to explore a leadership concept, or inspire your audience with powerful, and meaninful, leaderhip insights.
    • Value Created: Inspiration, motivation, excitement, knowledge, and your next best coctail party story. Excite your audience, and drive them to embrace your message.
    • Environment: Safe, transparent, academic, inspirational.
  • Specialized Program

    To maximize the benefits of working with LFL, we will create a Specialized Program suited to your needs. This approach can tackle any problem from mutiple angles, not only solving the problem, but supporting your culture in eliminate the cause. We will propose a solution to your problem, and you can pick and choose which parts you need, after all, no one knows your organization better than you!

    Specialized Programs are our most comprehensive offering in leadership development. Knowing your specific needs and goals, our consultants will create a program using Workshops + Coaching + Check Rides. Our methods will help you, and your personnel, to awaken their greatest leadership abilities.

    To set up an initial consultation, please contact us.

What we do:

Leadership is one of our specialties, we also offer support in:

  • General Management Consulting
  • Project Management
  • Process Improvement
  • Change Management
  • Team Development
  • Organizational Design
  • Strategic Planning
  • The list goes on...

The offerings above are our core services, but we are also able to customize our approach to suit your needs, please contact us.

To lead people, walk behind them.
— Lao Tzu