
Open to Change

We are in the middle of a 5-session project management training program and watching the participants embrace this new content has caused me to develop a profound respect for them.  Let's be clear, not everyone is embracing the content the same way, but enough are.

I can see it, in their focus and determination, and in their questions.  They are listening to new content and a new subject and they are being open.  They are looking at how they can take this new knowledge and apply it to their business.

It isn't "Well, the way we do it works fine so we don't need to change," it's "How can we be better?"  "How can we take these new ideas and make ourselves stronger?"

How this applies to the rest of us... Just ask yourself, when you come across new knowledge (from a peer, a book, a course, etc.) what do you do with it?  Do you assume its different than what you are doing and not worth looking at?  Do you assume that because someone else said it, it must be good?  Or, do you just go in with an open mind and willing heart; ready to take the best bits of everything you come in contact with to make you and your organization better.

Think about it, and next time, be open.

-Alexander C. Cook MEng, MBA, PEng, PMP