
Celebrating Everyone!

Waking up from celebrating Canada's 150th birthday reminds me that not just momentous occasions need to be celebrated, but the little ones too.

Everyone's leadership style is different, and everyone is different, so it is important to find a point where those two things mesh.  Some leaders praise small and large successes regularly, while others give only hard earned and well-deserved compliments.  In a similar manner, some people need regular praise to stay motivated, while others need only the occasional nod of approval.   It's kind of like a car.  If you try and change gears and the gears aren't going at the same speed, they groan and grind and can sometimes explode, so it's important to make sure you are on the same page.

As a leader, we need to think about more than just ourselves.  Forget your natural tendencies for celebrating success, and think about those around you.  What speed are they going at?  Do they need constant praise, or will it make them feel like you are babying them?  What does the person need?

Maybe celebrating the momentous achievements of a country is enough, but for some people, it is celebrating the little victories that really shows you've been paying attention, and really has the power to motivate.

-Alexander C. Cook MEng, MBA, PEng, PMP


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