Being Better

Three Easy Steps to Improve your Leadership Skills Today

Becoming a better leader, the leader you know you can be, is a lifelong pursuit, so if you haven't started yet, why not start today?  You don't need to sit at the top of an organization, or even formally within one; you simply need to interact with people.

We don't have unlimited time or resources, so instead of trying to make your leadership style perfect overnight, just try these three things.  Try it tomorrow, try it over the next week, make it a habit, make it you; you might be amazed at how much improvement a little intentionality can add to your leadership skills.

  1. Vision - This doesn't have to be about curing cancer or feeding the world, it just has to be about you (and your team) and where you would like to go.  The shortest distance somewhere is a straight line, so whether you are trying to get to the store for groceries, or lead your team in developing the next greatest thing, keep your eye on the prize.  Get excited, get inspired, and make that vision a reality!
  2. Communication - Have you ever gone bowling, with two carloads of friends following you to the alley, when you make it through a yellow light and they are stuck at the red?  Having a vision isn't enough.  That vision needs to be communicated to those around you so they can navigate through any challenges along the way.  It isn't just you raining down your vision on others, it's a two-way street.  By being transparent in your vision, and your decisions, the people around you can add in their expertise, and together you can come up with a  better, smoother, plan than you could have ever come up with on your own.
  3. Be Human - Trust is the foundation of relationships, and relationships are the foundation of teams.  You can't buy trust; you earn it.  You earn it through empathy and compassion, and just being human.  People need to be able to come to you with anything and know that you won't freak out, but that you'll see the situation from their eyes, and you'll help them right the ship.  Sometimes bad things happen, but that doesn't mean we have to throw them to the wolves, it means that is when they need our help most.  If you support your team in the best of times, and the worst of times, they'll do the same to you.

So, three simple things.  Think about it.  Try it.  Try it today, and over the next few days.  Become a better leader.

Make a difference.

-Alexander C. Cook MEng, MBA, PEng, PMP


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